Notify ATC. However, if the weather conditions are VMC during the flight, the flight must remain under IFR.
Notify ATC. However, if the weather conditions are IMC during the flight, the flight must remain under IFR.
Request an ATC approval. A change from IFR to VFR does NOT depend on weather conditions.
Request an ATC approval. The flight should then be performed above 3000 ft AMSL.
SERA.5015 Instrument flight rules (IFR) — Rules applicable to all IFR flights
(c) Change from IFR flight to VFR flight
(1) An aircraft electing to change the conduct of its flight from compliance with the instrument flight rules to compliance with the visual flight rules shall notify the appropriate air traffic services unit specifically that the IFR flight is cancelled and communicate there to the changes to be made to its current flight plan.
(2) When an aircraft operating under the instrument flight rules is flown in or encounters visual meteorological conditions it shall not cancel its IFR flight unless it is anticipated, and intended, that the flight will be continued for a reasonable period of time in uninterrupted visual meteorological conditions.
(3) Change from IFR flight to VFR flight shall only be acceptable when a message initiated by the pilot-in-command containing the specific expression ‘CANCELLING MY IFR FLIGHT’, together with the changes, if any, to be made to the current flight plan, is received by an ATS unit. No invitation to change from IFR flight to VFR flight shall be made by ATS either directly or by inference.
Therefore when you are flying IFR if you want to change it to VFR notifying ATC will be enough. In addition to this, you must have VMC conditions, not IMC to be able to fly VFR.
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