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A pilot undergoes a surgery. What is the appropriate course of action?

  • A

    Inform the Competent Authority.

  • B

    Seek advice from an AME/Aeromedical Center.

  • C

    Get a certificate from the surgeon.

  • D

    Get back on the job when she/he feels fit to fly.

AME. Aero-medical Examiner
AeMC. Aero-medical Center
GMP. General Medical Practitioner

MED.A.020 Decrease in medical fitness

(b) In addition, holders of a medical certificate shall, without undue delay and before exercising the privileges of their licence, seek aero-medical advice from the AeMC, AME or GMP, as applicable, when they:

(1) have undergone a surgical operation or invasive procedure;

(2) have commenced the regular use of any medication;

(3) have suffered any significant personal injury involving incapacity to function as a member of the flight crew;

(4) have been suffering from any significant illness involving incapacity to function as a member of the flight crew;

(5) are pregnant;

(6) have been admitted to hospital or medical clinic;

(7) first require correcting lenses.

(c) In the cases referred to in point (b):

(1) holders of class 1 and class 2 medical certificates shall seek the aero-medical advice of an AeMC or AME. In that case, the AeMC or AME shall assess their medical fitness and decide whether they are fit to resume the exercise of their privileges;

(2) holders of light aircraft pilot licence medical certificates shall seek the aero-medical advice of an AeMC, an AME or the GMP who signed the medical certificate. In that case, the AeMC, AME or GMP shall assess their medical fitness and decide whether they are fit to resume the exercise of their privileges.

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