17 / 20

Regarding the capacity of a battery and its measurement, which statement(s) is/are correct/incorrect?

1. The battery capacity is determined by multiplying a current flow in Amperes by the time in hours that the battery is being discharged
2. The total battery capacity is dependent on the voltage rating of its battery cells

  • A
    1. incorrect; 2. incorrect.
  • B
    1. correct; 2. incorrect.
  • C
    1. incorrect; 2. correct.
  • D
    1. correct; 2. correct.

Batteries are rated according to the number of volts and number of ampere hours. The latter rating specifies how many amperes can be discharged by a fully charged battery over a given period of time before the battery is drained. In simple words, it is determined by how many amperes it can supply over a given period of time.

The battery capacity depends on the physical size of the battery plates, and not on the voltage rating.

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