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In Performance Class 3 helicopter operations without an assured safe landing capability, the boundary in the landing phase is...

  • A

    50 ft.

  • B

    Below 200 ft above the landing surface.

  • C

    35 ft.

  • D

    200 ft.

1. According to GM1 CAT.POL.H.400(c) General: Take-off flight path is not used in performance class 3 and, consequently, the term ‘take-off and landing phases’ is used to bound the limit of exposure. For the purpose of performance class 3, the take-off and landing phases are as set out in CAT.POL.H.400(c) and are considered to be bounded by:

(1) during take-off before reaching Vy (speed for best rate of climb) or 200 ft above the take-off surface; and

(2) during landing, below 200 ft above the landing surface.

2. According to CAT.POL.H.400(c): Operations may be conducted to/from an aerodrome or operating site located outside a congested hostile environment without an assured safe forced landing capability:

(1) during take-off, before reaching Vy (speed for best rate of climb) or 200 ft above the take-off surface; or

(2) during landing, below 200 ft above the landing surface.

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