Time between A and B: 12 min
Distance between A and B: 32 NM
True track from A to B: 259°
True heading from A to B: 270°
True airspeed: 130 kt
Variation: 8 °E
Calculate the average true wind direction and speed for the flight from A to B:
Refer to figures.
Calculate the Ground Speed:
Time between A and B: 12 min
Distance between A and B: 32 NM
- Ground Speed = (32 NM ÷ 12 min) x 60 = 160 kt
Determine W/V (CRP5 method):
1. Set True Heading (270ºT) under "True Index"
2. Place centre dot over TAS (130 kts)
3. The True Heading is 270º, if the True Track is 259º, drift equals 11ºL. Mark the point where drift (11ºL) and GS (160 kt) meet.
4. Rotate the wind computer until mark is below TAS.
5. Check wind direction under "True Index" (42º)
6. Count down from TAS to obtain wind speed (130 - 89 = 41 kt)
=> W/V = 42º/41 kt
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