This Navigation Display is showing an Expanded ILS/APP mode/ The "lubber line" at the top in the centre says that the heading is 280º (M), and there are three other lines emanating from the aircraft symbol.
The solid line to the right of centre (pointing at 297º) comes directly out of the CDI (Course Deviation Indicator) at the bottom, meaning that it is the selected course (in this case it is the course of the ILS).
The dotted line pointing at 260º has that number box at the top, meaning that it must be the selected heading bug.
This leaves only one option for the solid line with crosses on it pointing at 272º, it must be the track indication. This makes sense as the wind arrow would cause a drift in this direction, and 8º left drift is therefore realistic in the scenario. Also, there is nothing else that this line could really be, after looking at the other possibilities.
As drift is always from heading (where we point) to track (where we fly), then the drift here is classed as left drift, and we can see very easily that the difference is 8º.
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