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Which pair of statements accurately represent the essential components of a flight director?

  • A

    A computer and an automatic pilot.

  • B

    A computer and command bars.

  • C

    An automatic pilot and command bars.

  • D

    An automatic pilot and an autothrottle.

Refer to figures.
Typically, the Flight Director computes and indicates the direction and magnitude of the control inputs required to achieve an attitude to follow a trajectory.

It uses a computer and command bars (cues) to present data as control commands to show the pilot the optimal way to achieve the desired flight path or the optimum instantaneous path to reach a selected radial, using bank angles of 25° for intercepting desired tracks (it will intercept a track at 20°).

More specifically, it is a computer system that takes information from the aircraft autopilot sensors, compares the actual state of the aircraft with the desired states demanded by speed, height, course, and power, and displays its output as a series of pitch, roll (2 cues/bars system) and collective (3 cues/bars system) demands.

These demands can be followed by the:

  • The pilot, by using the flying controls or

  • Autopilot (through selected modes i.e “ALT”, “HDG”, “NAV”, “LOC”) when it is engaged.

To satisfy its commands, the cues/bars movement must be followed so that both cues/bars are centered.

A helicopter's flight director typically provides the pilot with important information about the aircraft's flight path and performance via the Attitude Display Indicator (ADI).

In other words, the flight director gives the pilot directions regarding how to position the controls in terms of position and intensity.

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