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During climb with a rate of 500 feet per minute the static ports of the aircraft become blocked. For the rest of the flight, the vertical speed indications will…
  • A
    constantly indicates a 500 feet per minute climb.
  • B
    be under-reading during climbs.
  • C
    return to, and indicate, zero feet per minute.
  • D
    be over-reading during climbs.

Refer to figure.
The principle employed is that of measuring the difference in pressure between two chambers, one of which is enclosed within the other, as shown below.

The pressure of the atmosphere is communicated directly to the inner chamber (capsule) and through a calibrated choke or capsule case to the outer chamber.

If the pressure changes, as in a climb or descent, the lag between the capsule and outer chamber results in a pressure differential across the metering unit, which is a direct measure of the aeroplane's rate of climb or descent.

A blockage in the static line renders the instrument unserviceable, and the pointer registers zero regardless of the aeroplane's vertical speed.

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