Regarding special operational equipment and crew members, the responsibility for determination of the mass included within the Dry Operating Mass lies with the:
According to EASA Air Operations regulation part, CAT.POL.MAB.100 Mass and balance, loading:
- During any phase of operation, the loading, mass and centre of gravity (CG) of the aircraft shall comply with the limitations specified in the AFM, or the operations manual if more restrictive.
- The Operator shall establish the mass and the CG of any aircraft by actual weighing prior to initial entry into service and thereafter at intervals of four years if individual aircraft masses are used, or nine years if fleet masses are used. The accumulated effects of modifications and repairs on the mass and balance shall be accounted for and properly documented. Aircraft shall be reweighed if the effect of modifications on the mass and balance is not accurately known.
- The weighing shall be accomplished by the manufacturer of the aircraft or by an approved maintenance organisation.
- The Operator shall determine the mass of all operating items and crew members included in the aircraft dry operating mass by weighing or by using standard masses. The influence of their position on the aircraft’s CG shall be determined.
- The Operator shall establish the mass of the traffic load, including any ballast, by actual weighing or by determining the mass of the traffic load in accordance with standard passenger and baggage masses.
- This is a part of the regulation extracted from EASA Air Operations regulation.
- CAT: Commercial Air Transport
- POL: Policy
- MAB: Mass and Balance
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