Which type of air mass occurs over Central Europe?
1. Arctic Air
2. Equatorial Air
3. Polar Air
4. Tropical Air
The 5 air masses affecting Europe are:
Arctic maritime, mAc | Polar ice cap. Only experienced during NH winter Affects Northern Europe (winter) | stable very cold and dry. |
Polar maritime, mPc | Northwest area of North Atlantic Affects western Europe Affects Northern Europe | stable, cold, absolute humidity low, relative humidity high |
Polar continental, CPC | Siberia (winter only) northern Russia Affects Baltics/Eastern Europe/Baltic coast of Germany (winter) | Stable, very cold and dry. |
Tropical maritime, mTw | The Azores anticyclone Affects western Europe Affects southern Europe | Warm, stable, absolute humidity high, RH high. |
Tropical continental, cTw | N Africa/Middle East/SE Europe (SE Europe – primarily conterminous Balkan Peninsula) Affects eastern Europe | warm, dry, stable. |
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