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Which one of the following statements regarding the selection of aerodromes and operating sites for helicopters is correct?

When flying under VFR and navigating without visual landmarks, the Commander is required to include at least one destination alternate aerodrome in the operational flight plan, unless, for a flight to any other land destination, the duration of the flight and the meteorological conditions prevailing are such that...
  • A
    during a period commencing two hours before and ending two hours after the estimated time of arrival at the site of the intended landing, an approach and landing are possible under visual meteorological conditions (VMC).
  • B

    at the estimated time of arrival at the site of intended landing, the actual or forecast visibility is not less than 800 m and cloud base is at or above 600 ft.

  • C

    during a period commencing one hour before and ending one hour after the estimated time of arrival at the site of the intended landing, an approach and landing is possible under visual meteorological conditions (VMC).

  • D

    at the estimated time of arrival at the site of the intended landing, an approach and landing are possible under visual meteorological conditions (VMC).

According to the Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 of 5 October 2012, Annex IV related to the Commercial Air Transport Operations [PART-CAT], Subpart B related to Operating Procedures (OP), Section 1 for Motor Powered Aircraft (MPA), “CAT.OP.MPA.181 Selection of aerodromes and operating sites — helicopters”, is prescribed that:

(a) For flights under instrument meteorological conditions (IMC), the commander shall select a take-off alternate aerodrome within one hour flying time at normal cruising speed if it would not be possible to return to the site of departure due to meteorological reasons.

(b) For IFR flights or when flying under VFR and navigating by means other than by reference to visual landmarks, the commander shall specify at least one destination alternate aerodrome in the operational flight plan unless:

(1) the destination is a coastal aerodrome and the helicopter is routing from offshore;

(2) for a flight to any other land destination, the duration of the flight and the meteorological conditions prevailing are such that, at the estimated time of arrival at the site of intended landing, an approach and landing is possible under visual meteorological conditions (VMC); or

(3) the site of intended landing is isolated and no alternate is available; in this case, a point of no return (PNR) shall be determined.

(c) The Operator shall select two destination alternate aerodromes when:

(1) the appropriate weather reports and/or forecasts for the destination aerodrome indicate that during a period commencing one hour before and ending one hour after the estimated time of arrival, the weather conditions will be below the applicable planning minima; or

(2) no meteorological information is available for the destination aerodrome.

(d) The Operator may select off-shore destination alternate aerodromes when the following criteria are applied:

(1) an off-shore destination alternate aerodrome shall be used only after a PNR. Prior to the PNR, on-shore alternate aerodromes shall be used;

(2) OEI landing capability shall be attainable at the alternate aerodrome;

(3) to the extent possible, deck availability shall be guaranteed. The dimensions, configuration and obstacle clearance of individual helidecks or other sites shall be assessed in order to establish operational suitability for use as an alternate aerodrome by each helicopter type proposed to be used;

(4) weather minima shall be established taking accuracy and reliability of meteorological information into account;

(5) the MEL shall contain specific provisions for this type of operation; and

(6) an off-shore alternate aerodrome shall only be selected if the operator has established a procedure in the operations manual.

(e) The Operator shall specify any required alternate aerodrome(s) in the operational flight plan.

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