Note: We have some different feedback about this question, so it might be slightly differently worded in the real exam, but even with small differences we still think the current answer will remain correct. Please send us any further exam feedback you might have, thank you!
Learning Objective State that some articles and substances, which would otherwise be classed as dangerous goods, can be exempted if they are part of the aircraft equipment, or required for use during aeromedical flights.
Dangerous Goods (DG) regulations lay out the specific articles/substances that are considered to be dangerous goods, as well at the approvals and procedures to be followed when transporting such items.
Some items may be exempted from their usual dangerous goods status if, as per the learning objective above, they are part of the aircraft equipment or are medical equipment required for use during aeromedical flights. Of course, such equipment might not be able to be stored in a specific way and in specific quantities, as it may need to be used on board the aircraft.
These could include oxygen cannisters or perhaps radioactive substances/machinery that needs to be used in flight on a patient, which would otherwise need to follow DG regulations, but in certain cases such as this, do not.
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