16 / 20
Which of the following has the right-of-way against a vehicle that is operating on an apron?
  • A
    A follow-me vehicle.
  • B
    A friction-testing vehicle.
  • C
    A snow-clearing vehicle.
  • D
    An aircraft being towed.

ICAO Annex 11
3.8 Control of persons and vehicles at aerodromes

3.8.3 Emergency vehicles proceeding to the assistance of an aircraft in distress shall be afforded priority over all other surface movement traffic.
3.8.4 Subject to the provisions in 3.8.3, vehicles on the manoeuvring area shall be required to comply with the following rules:

a) vehicles and vehicles towing aircraft shall give way to aircraft which are landing, taking off or taxiing;
b) vehicles shall give way to other vehicles towing aircraft;
c) vehicles shall give way to other vehicles in accordance with ATS unit instructions;
d) notwithstanding the provisions of a), b) and c), vehicles and vehicles towing aircraft shall comply with instructions issued by the aerodrome control tower.

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