The ICAO Contracting States establish border controls for the entry and departure of persons – Regarding the entry requirements for crew arriving on duty on an international flight…
States shall establish measures to expedite inspection of crew members and their baggage.
States shall ensure that the Flight Crew Licence is accepted as a valid document of identity.
Crew members are subject to the same entry requirements as passengers.
Crew must be in uniform in order to be allowed temporary entry into the Contracting State.
ICAO Annex 9
Chapter 3. Entry and Departure of Persons and their Baggage
N. Identification and entry of crew and other aircraft operators’ personnel
3.63 Contracting States shall establish measures, with the cooperation of aircraft operators and airport operators, to expedite the inspection of crew members and their baggage, as required at departure and upon arrival.
3.64 Contracting States shall facilitate and expedite the process under which aircraft operators based in their territories can apply for Crew Member Certificates (CMCs) for their crew members.
Note.— The CMC was developed as a card for use for identification purposes by crew members, leaving the crew licences to serve their primary purpose of attesting to the professional qualifications of the flight crew members.
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