Given the following information, what time deviation will be encountered on the leg?
Reference leg time on the flight plan: 17 minutes
Leg track: 090°
Leg distance: 100 NM
TAS: 345 kt
Wind: 065°/50 kt
Refer to figure.
Solving from Heading (HDG) & Ground Speed (GS), knowing WV, TAS and required track.
- Set wind direction to 065º under the "TRUE HEADING" index at the top.
- Set the center point on the True Airspeed (TAS) of 345 kt.
- Mark the wind velocity 50 kt down from the centre point.
- Initially, set the True Track to 090º under the "TRUE HEADING" index.
- Note that this heading would result in 4ºR drift and a track of 094º.
- Reduce the heading value under the index until the heading plus the drift gives a track of 090º. This occurs at a heading of 086º with 3ºR drift.
- The groundspeed for this track is approximately 300 kt.
- Actual Flight Time = Distance / Ground Speed = 100 NM / 300 kt = 20 min
- 20 min - 17 min = 3 min delay
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