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On an ATS flight plan, to indicate that you will overfly the way-point TANGO at 350 kt at flight level 280, the entry at Item 15 should be:
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
ICAO Doc 4444
Appendix 2
ITEM 15 - Route
- (a) Cruising speed
INSERT the True Air Speed (TAS) for the first or the whole cruising portion of the flight, in terms of:
  • Kilometres per hour, expressed as K followed by 4 figures (e.g. K0830), or
  • Knots, expressed as N followed by 4 figures (e.g. N0485), or
  • Mach number, when so prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority, to the nearest hundredth of unit Mach, expressed as M followed by 3 figures (e.g. M082).
ITEM 15 - Route - (b) Cruising level
INSERT the planned cruising level for the first or the whole portion of the route to be flown, in terms of:
  • Flight level, expressed as F followed by 3 figures (e.g. F085; F330), or
  • * Standard Metric Level in tens of metres, expressed as S followed by 4 figures (e.g. S1130), or
  • Altitude in hundreds of feet, expressed as A followed by 3 figures (e.g. A045; A100), or
  • Altitude in tens of metres, expressed as M followed by 4 figures (e.g. M0840), or
  • for uncontrolled VFR flights, the letters VFR.

* = When so prescribed by the appropriate ATS authorities.

ITEM 15 - Route - (c) Route (including changes of speed, level and/or flight rules)
Flights along designated ATS routes
INSERT, if the departure aerodrome is located on or connected to the ATS route, the designator of the first ATS route, or

  • if the departure aerodrome is not on or connected to the ATS route, the letters DCT followed by the point of joining the first ATS route, followed by the designator of the ATS route.
THEN INSERT each point at which either a change of speed and/or level is planned to commence, or
  • a change of ATS route, and/or
  • a change of flight rules is planned,

Note.— When a transition is planned between a lower and upper ATS route and the routes are oriented in the same direction, the point of transition need not be inserted.


  • by the designator of the next ATS route segment, even if the same as the previous one, or
  • by DCT, if the flight to the next point will be outside a designated route, unless both points are defined by geographical coordinates

=> You should state: the point at which a change of speed or a change of level is planned followed by an oblique stroke and both the cruising speed and the cruising level.

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