Refer to figure.
A twin-jet aeroplane is being operated for a Commercial Air Transport flight. The Reduced Contingency Fuel (RCF) procedure is being applied. Given the following information, find the sum of the required Trip Fuel and Contingency Fuel.
TAS: 400 kt
Wind DEP-DP-DEST: 50 kt tailwind
Wind DP-A: 20 kt tailwind
Fuel consumption: 1500 kg/h
Alternate Fuel for DEST: 1000 kg
Alternate Fuel for A: 900 kg
Additional Fuel for DEST: not required
Additional Fuel for A: 900 kg
Extra Fuel: not required
Regulation (EU) No 965/2012
AMC1 CAT.OP.MPA.150(b) Fuel policy
(b) Reduced contingency fuel (RCF) procedure
If the operator’s fuel policy includes pre-flight planning to a destination 1 aerodrome (commercial destination) with an RCF procedure using a decision point along the route and a destination 2 aerodrome (optional refuel destination), the amount of usable fuel, on board for departure, should be the greater of (b)(1) or (b)(2):
(1) The sum of:
- DEP to DEST 1 via DP: 900 NM + 300 NM = 1 200 NM
- GS = TAS + Tailwind = 400 kt + 50 kt = 450 kt
- Flight Time = 1 200 / 450 = 2 h 40 min
- Fuel consumed = 2 h 40 x 1 500 kg/h = 4 000 kg
- Contingency fuel (5%) from DP to destination= (300 NM / 450 kt) x 1500 x 0.05 = 50 kg
- Alternate Fuel for DEST: 1000 kg
FOR (b)(1) – we have a value of 4 000 kg + 50 kg + 1 000 kg = 5 050 kg |
- DEP to DP: 900 NM at a GS of 450 kt
- Fuel consumed = (900 / 450) x 1 500 kg/h = 3 000 kg
- DP to A: 70 NM at a GS of 420 kt
- Fuel consumed = (70 / 420) x 1 500 kg/h = 250 kg
- Alternate Fuel for A: 900 kg
- Additional Fuel for A: 900 kg
FOR (b)(2) – we have a value of 3 250 kg + 162.5 kg + 900 kg + 900 kg = 5 212.5 kg (GREATER) |
Trip fuel + Contingency fuel = 3 250 kg + 162.5 kg = 3412 kg
(3) Contingency fuel, except as provided for in (b), which should be the higher of:
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