Refer to figure.
For a flight of 2400 ground nautical miles the following apply:
Tail wind: 25 kt
Temperature: ISA -10°C
Brake release mass: 66000 kg
The a trip fuel and b trip time respectively are:
Refer to figure.
First Step: Starting from 2400 NM at the bottom of the graph, draw a vertical line up until the wind REF LINE. Now, apply the 25 kt tailwind correction by drawing a diagonal and slightly curved line downwards and to the left until intersecting the 25 kt reference line. From this intersection, continue up until you intersect the line which represents 66 000 kg.
Second Step: Find out fuel required by continuing horizontally to the right => read the result of "14" (14 000 kg).
Thirst Step: Find out time required by continuing up from the 66 000 kg line until intersecting the "ALL BRAKE RELEASE WEIGHTS". From this point, continue horizontally to the left until the ISA DEV REF LINE. Now, continue diagonally up to the right to intersect ISA -10ºC. Read the value of 5.6h = 5 h 36 min.
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