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On 4th February the Air Almanac lists 19:41 as the time of sunset at 50°00'S. An observer registers sunset at 21:13 UTC this day.

What is the observers position?

  • A
    50°00'S 023°00'W.
  • B
    50°00'S 022°00'E.
  • C
    50°00'S 010°35'W.
  • D
    50°00'S 010°35'E.

Sunset at 50˚00’S: 19:41

Air Almanac data representing data for Prime meridian.

As the observer registered sunset at 21:13 (further more from data at prime meridian) so we are more to west (Sunset in westerly location after it sets for more easterly locations).

Time difference: 21:13 - 19:41 = 01:32
(1 hour is represented by 15˚ longitude)
01:32 representing 23˚

Observer location: 50˚00’S, 023˚00’W

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