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What is the radiotelephony call sign suffix which indicates that the aeronautical station is providing area control without radar?
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D

ICAO Annex 10, Volume II The unit or service shall be identified in accordance with the table below except that the name of the location or the unit/service may be omitted provided satisfactory communication has been established.

Unit/service availableCall sign suffix
area control centre (without radar)CONTROL
approach control (arrival and departure control service without radar)APPROACH
approach control radar arrivalsARRIVAL
approach control radar departuresDEPARTURE
aerodrome control (responsible for take-off, landing and aicraft in the CTR)TOWER
surface movement control (responsible for all movements on the airport except the apron)GROUND
radar, in general (enroute services)RADAR
precision approach radar (guidance on final using specialized radar antennas)PRECISION
direction-finding stationHOMER
flight information serviceINFORMATION
clearance delivery (transmission of enroute clearances)DELIVERY
apron control (aircraft guidance on the apron by the airport operator)APRON
company dispatch (transmission of flight regularity messages of aircraft operating agencies)DISPATCH
aeronautical stationRADIO

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