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In an ADC, the altitude is computed from the…

  • A
  • B

    Static pressure.

  • C

    Measurement of elapsed time for a radio signal transmitted to the ground surface and back.

  • D
Air Data Computers (ADC) converts raw pressure and temperature measurements into electrical signals. Two types of ADC exist – analog and digital. Initially, only the temperature and the pitot/static pressures were provided to the ADC. From these inputs, it was able to compute and provide airspeed, Mach number, altitude, TAS, and GS indications. However, now the AOA probe also provides inputs to the ADC. All this data is joined together and is transmitted from the ADC to other systems such as the FMS, TAWS, TCAS, etc.
In an ADC, the altitude is computed from the static pressure as in a conventional altimeter. It provides a much more accurate signal as it is electronically processed.


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