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Check the correctness of the following statements.

1. Trade winds reach up to the tropopause
2. The air advected by the SW monsoon over West Africa has its source region in the southern hemisphere

  • A
    1 and 2 are not correct
  • B
    1 is correct, 2 is not correct
  • C
    1 is not correct, 2 is correct
  • D
    1 and 2 are correct

Trade winds are consistent winds converging to the equatorial trough from the subtropical high belt on each side of it.

They are low level winds - considered to exist up to about 10 000 ft.

The SW MONSOON or Summer Monsoon is produced by the SE trade wind crossing the Equator and veering to SW and thence to the summer Baluchistan Low.

Having a long sea track, this monsoon is very moist and produces much heavy Cu and Cb with large scale thunderstorms.
It has a more serious effect on flying than the NE Monsoon, with heavy thunderstorms, low cloud base and severe turbulence.

It affects India, Sri Lanka, Burma and exposed coasts of West Malaysia.
The SW Monsoon also affects the West African coast, notably Guinea, Ghana and North Nigeria.

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