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If an Aeroplane Flight Manual does not contain a One-Engine-Inoperative (OEI) cruise speed, the speed to be used in the case of OEI flight shall be that which is achieved with the remaining engine(s) set at..
  • A
    cruising power.
  • B
    maximum continuous power.
  • C
    nominal power.
  • D
    maximum power available.
Regulation (EU) 2017/363
CAT.OP.MPA.180 Selection of aerodromes — aeroplanes

(a) Where it is not possible to use the departure aerodrome as a take-off alternate aerodrome due to meteorological or performance reasons, the operator shall select another adequate take-off alternate aerodrome that is no further from the departure aerodrome than:
(1) for two-engined aeroplanes:
(i) one hour flying time at an OEI cruising speed according to the AFM in still air standard conditions based on the actual take-off mass; or
(ii) the ETOPS diversion time approved in accordance with Annex V (Part-SPA), Subpart F, subject to any MEL restriction, up to a maximum of two hours, at the OEI cruising speed according to the AFM in still air standard conditions based on the actual take-off mass;
(2) for three and four-engined aeroplanes, two hours flying time at the OEI cruising speed according to the AFM in still air standard conditions based on the actual take-off mass;
(3) for operations approved in accordance with Annex V (Part-SPA), Subpart L — SINGLEENGINED TURBINE AEROPLANE OPERATIONS AT NIGHT OR IN IMC (SET-IMC), 30 minutes flying time at normal cruising speed in still air conditions, based on the actual take-off mass.

In the case of multi-engined aeroplanes, if the AFM does not contain an OEI cruising speed, the speed to be used for calculation shall be that which is achieved with the remaining engine(s) set at maximum continuous power.

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