Refer to figure.
VLE Maximum landing gear extended speed
VA Design Maneuvering Speed
VB Design speed for maximum gust intensity
VC Design cruising speed
VD Design diving speed
VDF/MDF Demonstrated flight diving speed
VF Design flap speed
VFC/MFC Maximum speed for stability characteristics
VFE Maximum flaps extended speed
VGO The slowest speed from which a takeoff can be safely continued after an engine failure for a given TODA/TODR.
VH Maximum speed in level flight with maximum continuous power
VLE Maximum landing gear extended speed
VLO Maximum landing gear operating speed
VLOF Lift-off speed
VMAX Maximum speed
VMBE Maximum brake energy speed
VMC Minimum control speed
VMCA Mimimum control speed airborne
VMCG Minimum control speed ground
VMIN Minimum speed
VMO Mmo Maximum operating limit speed
VMU Minimum unstick speed
VNE Never exceed speed
VNO Maximum structural cruising speed
VR Rotation speed
VREF Reference Speed
VS Stalling speed
VSO Stalling speed in the landing configuration
VSTOP The highest speed from which a takeoff can be safely rejected for a given ASDA/ASDR
VS1 Stalling speed in a specified configuration
VTD Touchdown indicated airspeed
VTOSS Takeoff safety speed for Category A rotocraft
VX Speed for best angle of climb
VY Speed for best rate of climb
V1 Takeoff decision speed
V2 Takeoff safety speed
V2MIN Minimum takeoff safety speed
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