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The separation method whereby the vertical and horizontal separation may be reduced to half of the standard value is called..
  • A
    composite separation.
  • B
    essential separation.
  • C
    combined separation.
  • D
    reduced separation.

ICAO Annex 11
3.3 Operation of air traffic control service

3.3.5 Separation by an air traffic control unit shall be obtained by at least one of the following:

a) vertical separation, obtained by assigning different levels selected from:

1) the appropriate table of cruising levels in Appendix 3 of Annex 2, or
2) a modified table of cruising levels, when so prescribed in accordance with Appendix 3 of Annex 2 for flight above FL 410, except that the correlation of levels to track as prescribed therein shall not apply whenever otherwise indicated in appropriate aeronautical information publications or air traffic control clearances;

b) horizontal separation, obtained by providing:

1) longitudinal separation, by maintaining an interval between aircraft operating along the same, converging or reciprocal tracks, expressed in time or distance; or
2) lateral separation, by maintaining aircraft on different routes or in different geographical areas;

c) composite separation, consisting of a combination of vertical separation and one of the other forms of separation contained in b) above, using minima for each which may be lower than, but not less than half of, those used for each of the combined elements when applied individually. Composite separation shall only be applied on the basis of regional air navigation agreements.

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