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ATC request the pilot to do routine AIREPS every hour. He/she encounters turbulence, the passengers are restrained by their seatbelts.
His/her next AIREP is due shortly. What action must he/she take?
  • A
    Make a special AIREP and include the moderate turbulence in your next AIREP.
  • B
    As this is only moderate turbulence a report is not required.
  • C
    Omit the routine report and submit a special AIREP.
  • D
    Report the turbulence in your next AIREP.

1. Position reports and special air-reports

1.4 Special air-reports shall be made as soon as practicable after a phenomenon calling for a special air-report has been observed.

1.5 If a phenomenon warranting the making of a special air-report is observed at or near the time or place where a routine air-report is to be made, a special air-report shall be made instead.

2. Detailed reporting instructions
Section 3
Report one of the following phenomena encountered or observed:

• moderate turbulence as “TURBULENCE MODERATE”
severe turbulence as “TURBULENCE SEVERE”

The following specifications apply:

Moderate — Conditions in which moderate changes in aircraft attitude and/or altitude may occur but the aircraft remains in positive control at all times. Usually, small variations in airspeed. Changes in accelerometer readings of 0.5 g to 1.0 g at the aircraft’s centre of gravity. Difficulty in walking. Occupants feel strain against seat belts. Loose objects move about.
Severe — Conditions in which abrupt changes in aircraft attitude and/or altitude occur; aircraft may be out of control for short periods. Usually, large variations in airspeed. Changes in accelerometer readings greater than 1.0 g at the aircraft’s centre of gravity. Occupants are forced violently against seat belts. Loose objects are tossed about.

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