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Refer to Stuttgart 12-2 chart from Jeppesen GSPRM 2017.
If you carry out an RNP approach to runway 25 at Stuttgart airport, what will be the distance covered from the Initial Approach Fix (IAF) to the Rwy 25 threshold?
  • A
    20.4 NM
  • B
    21.3 NM
  • C
    12.7 NM
  • D
    26 NM

Refer to figure.
Initial Approach Fix (IAF) is a fix that marks the beginning of the initial approach segment and the end of the arrival segment (STAR), if applicable, i.e. it is a common fix point for both a STAR and an Approach procedure.

The approach chart depicts the "RNP Rwy 25" approach procedure, which begins from the IAF "LBU" RNAV waypoint. Information for the ground distance of each flight leg of the approach procedure, can be extracted from both the Approach Planview and the Approach Profile View.

Thus, the total distance from the IAF to the runway's threshold is:

  • 5.3 NM (IAF LBU - DSS518) + 4.0 NM (DS518 - DS511) + 4.0 NM (DS511 - IF DS512) + 4.0 NM (IF DS512 - UNSER) + 4.0 NM + 4.7 NM (UNSER - RW25 threshold) = 26 NM.

NOTE: The distance from the Final Approach Fix "UNSER" to the runway's threshold is depicted on the Approach Profile View.

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