What equipment does the letter S indicate is being carried and is serviceable, when entered into ITEM 10 of the ICAO Flight Plan form?
ICAO Doc 4444
Appendix 2
Radiocommunication, navigation and approach aid equipment and capabilities
INSERT one letter as follows:
N if no COM/NAV/approach aid equipment for the route to be flown is carried, or the equipment is unserviceable,
OR S if standard COM/NAV/approach aid equipment for the route to be flown is carried and serviceable (see Note 1),
AND/OR INSERT one or more of the following letters to indicate the serviceable COM/NAV/approach aid equipment and capabilities available:
A - (Not allocated) | M - Omega |
B - (Not allocated) | O - VOR |
C - LORAN C | P - (Not allocated) |
D - DME | Q - (Not allocated) |
E - (Not allocated) | R - RNP type certification (see Note 5) |
F - ADF | T - TACAN |
G - GNSS | U - UHF RTF |
H - HF RTF | V - VHF RTF |
I - Inertial Navigation | W - RVSM approved |
J - Data Link (see Note 3) | X - MPNS approved |
K - MLS | Y - VHF (with 8.33 kHz channel spacing capability) |
L - ILS | Z - Other equipment carried (see Note 2) |
Note 1.— If the letter S is used, standard equipment is considered to be VHF RTF, VOR and ILS, unless another combination is prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority.
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