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Refer to figure.
Given the following information, what is the ATC endurance for a Commercial Air Transport IFR flight with a turbine-engine aeroplane?

Extra fuel flow: 2500 kg/h

  • A
    184 min
  • B
    165 min
  • C
    174 min
  • D
    179 min
Refer to figure.
  1. We fill-in the amount of contingency fuel into the box => 202 kg (5% of 4034).
  2. Enter the Minimum Take off Fuel => 6469 kg (= 4034 + 202 + 1058 + 1175).
  3. We can easily fill-in the Extra Fuel => 776 kg (7245 kg – 6469 kg).
  4. For the right portion of the table, Contingency Fuel will give us => approx. 5 minutes (103 x 5%). The final missing piece in the right section is the time available from the Extra Fuel. We know that the fuel flow for Extra Fuel is 2 500 kg/hr, therefore we get a time of approximately 18 minutes (776 ÷ 2 500 x 60).
  5. Now we simply add the total times of: 103 min + 5 min + 27 min + 30 min + 18 min => 183; closest option: 184

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