13 / 20
List the constituent parts of the blood and state their function.
  • A
    Red cells are involved in immunity, white cells carry oxygen and platelets coagulate blood.
  • B
    Red cells carry oxygen, white cells are involved in immunity and platelets coagulate blood.
  • C
    Red cells coagulate blood, white cells are involved in immunity, and platelets carry oxygen.
  • D
    Red cells carry oxygen, white cells coagulate blood and platelets are involved in immunity.


The plasma is the liquid part of the blood. As well as carrying the various blood cells it delivers digested food products such as glucose and amino acids, dissolved proteins, various hormones and enzymes. The blood cells are of three types:
  • Red blood cells contain haemoglobin and carry oxygen to the cells and tissues of the body. The red cells do not have nuclei and thereby make more room for haemoglobin.
  • White blood cells are of various types; they resemble amoebae and have large nuclei to engulf and destroy invading bacteria. Their main function is the defence against disease. They produce antibodies to fight bacteria and antitoxins to neutralise the toxins produced by bacteria.
  • Platelets are the smallest of the blood cells and assist in the blood clotting process.

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