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The main inputs to the autopilot/autoflight are…

  • A
    Air Data Computer (ADC), Inertial Referencing System (IRS) and Mode Control Panel (MCP).
  • B
    Inertial Referencing System (IRS), Mode Control Panel (MCP) and GPWS.
  • C
    Inertial Referencing System (IRS), Mode Control Panel (MCP) and TCAS.
  • D
    Air Data Computer (ADC), GPWS and TCAS.
The main inputs to the autopilot system are:
  • Air Data Computer (ADC). ADC provides Mach Number, angle of attack, CAS and pressure altitude.
  • Inertial Referencing System (IRS). IRS provides attitude information.
  • Mode Control Panel (MCP). MCP will input the commanded modes (from the crew to the autopilot).

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