Determine the weight of 867 US Gallons of fuel (SG 0.78).
Convert USG into litres, litres into kilograms and finally kilograms into pounds:
US Gallons to Litres (l) => Litres = US Gal × 3.785
867 USG x 3.785 = 3281.6 l
Conversion between Fuel volume and mass: Fuel volume in litres x Specific Gravity (density) = Fuel Mass in Kg
3281.9 l x 0.78 = 2559.6 kg
Kilograms (kg) to Pounds (Lbs) => Lbs = Kilograms x 2.205
2 559.9 kg x 2.205 = 5645 lb
On your flight computer, align 867 on the inner scale with the US Gal index on the outer scale. Look up to 0.78 on the Sp G (lbs) index on the outer scale.
Read 5650 lb on the inner scale.
- Closest option: 5635 lb
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