19 / 20
To calculate the Centre of Gravity of a large aircraft, the practical use of the Index Method is to...
  • A
    reduce the size of the moment values and to simplify calculations.
  • B
    simplify the calculations by taking standard masses for passengers and cargo.
  • C
    determine the CG by using an index table covering ranges of passengers (e.g. groups of 10) instead of individual counts.
  • D
    visually indicate the CG on a CG limit chart WITHOUT using calculations.

When completing load sheets, particularly for large aircraft, it is convenient to use an Index to represent the large numbers involved and to simplify the calculations.

Generally, Loading Index is a non-dimensional figure that is a scaled down value of a moment and the effect of reducing the size of the moment to one that is much easier to use. For large aircraft, where large, awkward numbers are produced, it is convenient to use an index to represent the large numbers involved and to simplify the calculations.

A Loading Index (LI) is simply a Moment (Load Mass x CG Arm) divided by a constant: LI = (Load Mass x CG Arm) / Constant = Load Moment / Constant.

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