According to OPS regulations, the minimum radio-communication and navigation equipment for a VFR flight conducted by reference to visual landmarks by day consists of…
one radio-communication equipment and one transponder.
two radio-communication equipment and one navigation equipment.
one radio-communication equipment, one navigation equipment and, when mandated by airspace requirements, one transponder.
two radio-communication equipment and one transponder.
VFR WITH visual reference to landmarks:
- 1 radio communication system and a transponder
IFR OR VFR with NO visual reference to landmarks:
- 2 radio communication systems and a transponder
Easy Access Rules for Air Operations
Regulation (EU) No 965/2012
CAT.IDE.A.340 Radio equipment for operations under VFR over routes navigated by reference to visual landmarks
Aeroplanes operated under VFR over routes navigated by reference to visual landmarks shall be equipped with radio communication equipment necessary under normal radio propagation conditions to fulfil the following:
(a) communicate with appropriate ground stations;
(b) communicate with appropriate ATC stations from any point in controlled airspace within which flights are intended; and
(c) receive meteorological information
CAT.IDE.A.350 Transponder
Aeroplanes shall be equipped with a pressure altitude reporting secondary surveillance radar (SSR) transponder and any other SSR transponder capability required for the route being flown.
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