6 / 20
Assume a take-off with a class A aeroplane on a wet runway. Which of the following values shows the corresponding screen height of the take-off distance?
  • A
    0 ft
  • B
    50 ft
  • C
    15 ft
  • D
    35 ft

Class A Aircraft - Net Take-off Run Required

If the take-off distance includes a clearway, the take-off run is the greatest of:

  • All power units operating (dry and wet runway). The total of the gross distance from the start of the take-off run to the point at which VLOF is reached, plus one half of the gross distance from VLOF to the point at which the airplane reaches 35 ft, all factored by 1.15 to obtain the net TORR.
  • One power unit inoperative (dry runway). The horizontal distance from the brake release point (BRP) to a point equidistant between VLOF and the point at which the airplane reaches 35 ft with the critical power unit inoperative.
  • One power unit inoperative (wet runway). The horizontal distance from the brake release point (BRP) to the point at which the airplane is 15 ft above the take-off surface, achieved in a manner consistent with the attainment of V2 by 35 ft, assuming the critical power unit inoperative at VEF.

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