Refer to figure.
What is the meaning of this sign?
From this intersection, the available runway length is 2500 m in the stated direction.
2500 m in the stated direction till reaching the departure point of the runway.
2500 m in the stated direction till reaching the parking area.
The complete length of the runway in the stated direction is 2500 m.
Refer to figure.
ICAO Annex 14 Volume I - Aerodrome Design & Operations
CHAPTER 5 - Visual aids for navigation
5.4 Signs Recommendation.— An intersection take-off sign should be provided when there is an operational need to indicate the remaining take-off run available (TORA) for intersection take-offs. The inscription on an intersection take-off sign shall consist of a numerical message indicating the remaining take-off run available in metres plus an arrow, appropriately located and oriented, indicating the direction of the take-off as shown in Figure 5-31.
An intersection take-off is a take-off that is not executed at the beginning of the runway length available for take-off. It is executed at an intermediate point on the runway, and the intersection take-off sign shows the remaining runway length availabe for take-off from that point.
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