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Which answer is correct regarding separation in airspace "E"?

  • A

    IFR traffic is separated only from VFR traffic.

  • B

    VFR traffic is separated only from IFR traffic.

  • C

    VFR traffic is separated from VFR and IFR traffic.

  • D

    VFR traffic is not separated from any other traffic.

Refer to figure.
ICAO Annex 11, Chapter 2, Section 2.6 deals with the classification of airspaces. This section provides guidelines for categorizing airspaces based on various factors such as their intended use, level of air traffic control service, and equipment and procedures required for flight within them. The classification system helps pilots and air traffic controllers understand the characteristics and requirements of different airspace types, facilitating safe and efficient air navigation.

Annex 11, Appendix 4 contains specific information related to the classification of airspace. It may include further details on the criteria used to categorize different types of airspace, as well as any additional guidelines or recommendations for airspace management and usage.

These documents are part of the International Civil Aviation Organization's (ICAO) Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs), which are globally recognized guidelines for the safe and orderly development of international civil aviation. They serve as a foundation for national regulations and procedures related to airspace management and air traffic control, ensuring consistency and interoperability in aviation operations across different countries.

Therefore, in airspace class E, VFR traffic is not separated from any other traffic but can be given traffic information as far as practical.

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