15 / 20

Which one of the following radiotelephony messages should be given the highest priority?

  • A

    Turn left.

  • B

    Wind 300 degrees, 5 knots.

  • C

    Request QDM.

  • D

    QNH 1013.

Refer to figure.
QDM. Magnetic bearing to a station.

ICAO Annex 10 Volume II
5.1.8 Categories of messages

The categories of messages handled by the aeronautical mobile service and the order of priority in the establishment communications and the transmission of messages shall be in accordance with the following table.

Message category and order of priority signal Radiotelephony signal
  1. Distress calls, distress messages and distress traffic
  1. Urgency messages, including messages preceded by the medical transports signal
  1. Communications relating to direction finding
  1. Flight safety messages
  1. Meteorological messages
  1. Flight regularity messages

'Turn left' → Flight safety message
'Wind 300 degrees, 5 knots' → Meteorological message
'Request QDM' → Communications relating to direction finding
'QNH 1013' → Meteorological message

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