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The term QTE means...

  • A

    magnetic bearing from the station to the aircraft.

  • B

    magnetic bearing from the aircraft to the station.

  • C

    true bearing from the station to the aircraft.

  • D

    true bearing from the aircraft to the station.

Refer to figure.
Q codes are three-letter codes starting with the letter Q used in radio communication.

As seen in the figure there is a system of abbreviations that indicates what kind of bearing is described.

  • QDM = Magnetic bearing from the aircraft to the station
  • QDR = Magnetic bearing from the station to the aircraft
  • QUJ = True bearing from the aircraft to the station
  • QTE = True bearing from the station to the aircraft

Mnemonics can help remember the meanings of these codes. The letter Q at the start of the code was an indicator to a morse operator that a code was being sent, the subsequent letters are the important ones:

  • TE is "True emanation"
  • DR is "Direction radial"
  • DM is "Direction magnetic", but "direction to", because a radial is a "direction from".

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  • Austro Control