What has to be considered with regard to the center of gravity position?
The center of gravity's position can only be determined during flight.
Only correct loading can ensure a correct and safe center of gravity position.
By moving the elevator trim tab, the center of gravity can be shifted into the correct position.
By moving the aileron trim tab, the center of gravity can be shifted into the correct position.
The total mass of the helicopter can be said to act through one point called Centre of Gravity (CG).
It is vital that CG remain within certain limits however, as an aircraft that is too nose or tail-heavy will either not fly, or be so difficult to control that it becomes too dangerous to try. These limits are referred to as its operational envelope.
The CG, is the effective point whereby all weight is considered to be. The CG is also the same point where the axes of flight meet. This point isn’t fixed on any aircraft, but moves forward or backwards along the longitudinal axis, depending on how the aircraft is loaded.
Aircraft are subject to changes in the location of the CG with variations of load. Trimming devices, such as elevator trim tabs,aileron trim tabs and adjustable horizontal stabilizers, are used to counteract the moments set up by fuel burnoff and loading or off-loading of passengers or cargo.
Only correct loading can assure a correct and safe Center of Gravity position.
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