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What is the purpose of "interception lines" in visual navigation?

  • A

    To visualize the range limitation from the departure aerodrome.

  • B

    They help to continue the flight when flight visibility drops below VFR minima.

  • C

    To mark the next available en-route airport during the flight.

  • D

    They are used as easily recognizable guidance upon a possible loss of orientation.

The choice of the ground features is critical. Interception Line is a single and distinctive observed position line, which crosses the track and is ideal for timing or groundspeed check, (line features such as a river, railway, road, ridge or tree line).

But, if an interception line is reasonably close and runs roughly parallel to the direct track, then (airspace constraints permitting and not forgetting the right-hand rule) plan to keep it in sight, as easily recognizable guidance upon a possible loss of orientation. A modest increase in track distance is a small price to pay for being sure of your position.

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  • Austro Control