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What is affected when stress is experienced?
1. Attention
2. Concentration
3. Responsiveness
4. Memory

  • A

    1, 2, 3, 4

  • B

    1, 2, 3

  • C

    2, 4

  • D



Stress emerges from an individual's assessment of the demands they believe are placed on them and their perceived ability to manage those demands. It is this perception of the demands, rather than the actual demands, that influences how challenging a task appears. Similarly, the perceived ability to cope, rather than actual capability, determines the level of stress experienced.

Stress is closely related to flight safety. High levels of stress can narrow a person's focus, making it difficult to pay attention to multiple tasks or aspects of a situation simultaneously. It can also cause distractions, leading to lapses in attention. Stress reduces situational awareness, decreases reaction times and impacts both short-term and long-term memory. It can hinder the ability to encode new information and retrieve existing information.

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