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Which one of the following factors may cause anemic hypoxia?

  • A

    High altitudes.

  • B

    Low pressure.

  • C

    Carbon monoxide poisoning.

  • D



Hypoxia is a medical condition where there is a deficiency of oxygen in the tissues and organs of the body. This can occur due to various reasons, including respiratory disorders, circulatory problems, or exposure to high altitudes.

Hypoxia types are:

1. Anaemic or hypaemic hypoxia: Anemic hypoxia arises from the blood's reduced capacity to transport oxygen. This can occur due to medical conditions such as anemia or as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning.

2. Stagnant hypoxia: Stagnant hypoxia occurs when the oxygen content of the blood is normal, but the delivery of oxygen to tissues is impaired due to inadequate blood flow or circulation. It can be caused due to extreme cold or excessive g-forces.

3. Histotoxic hypoxia: Histotoxic hypoxia is a type of hypoxia that occurs when the body's cells are unable to utilize the oxygen delivered to them, despite normal oxygen levels in the blood and adequate blood flow. It can be caused due to lack of vitamin B1 or poisoning (i.e. alcohol, cyanide).

4. Hypoxic hypoxia: Hypoxic hypoxia occurs when there is insufficient oxygen in the blood to meet the body’s needs, primarily due to inadequate oxygenation at the lungs. This condition results from a decrease in the partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood. It is caused when flying a depressurized aircraft at high altitudes.

Carbon monoxide poisoning: When inhaling carbon monoxide, it binds to hemoglobin in the red blood cells with a much higher affinity than oxygen. The red blood cells carry oxygen combined with hemoglobin. The carbon monoxide inhaled mixes with hemoglobin before oxygen does, leading to reduced ability of the blood to deliver oxygen to the body cells.

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